Climate Change Alternative Energy Technology Directorate
Directorate Director
Mr. Sayed Abdullah

The focus of the work process is to identify the causes of climate change that have occurred or may occur in our city and the damage they cause to human and other natural resources, as well as to social and economic areas, and to develop strategies to prevent this and implement them with the relevant bodies. It is expected to implement the national climate change-resilient green economy strategy and implement the city's commitment to reduce greenhouse gases. In this work process, it is planned to design strategies to measure and reduce greenhouse gases; conduct and support a survey to assess the vulnerability of different segments of society to climate change and their ability to cope with its impact; prepare and monitor project proposals that help find resources for climate change work effectively; coordinate and support sector offices that have a role in the sector; create awareness and provide training in each sector and at each level. The work process involves identifying, promoting, and deploying green technologies that can address climate change and mitigate climate change, and evaluating their effectiveness by conducting demand-driven pilot projects and disseminating best practices. The work process involves identifying, promoting, and deploying various technologies using renewable and alternative energy sources to reduce environmental impacts and make clean energy accessible to the community. It involves identifying various energy-efficient stoves, biogas, biofuels, waste-to-energy plants, and solar-powered technologies; improving technologies; conducting trials to ensure quality; supporting producers and the community to use them; and preventing indoor air pollution caused by the use of firewood. It is also expected to audit the energy wasted in service by the technologies used and inform them to correct them. It is expected that licenses and certifications will be issued and monitored for those who carry out the installation of electricity lines or the provision of technology.
Directorate Director's Message