<li>Monitoring the safety of purchased air pollution monitoring equipment</li>
<li>Support for sectors that reduce greenhouse gases</li>
<li>Reporting on reduced city greenhouse gas emissions</li>
<li>Identifying and promoting technologies that will help in the effective implementation of green development</li>
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Find Our Services and Information
We provide the following information about us.
<p>1. Develop a climate-resilient green economy strategy and implementation manual</p>
<p>2. Provide professional support to sectoral departments to prepare action plans to achieve climate change mitigation and adaptation targets</p>
<p>3. Monitor and support sectoral departments to prepare plans</p>
<p>4. Prepare proposals to reduce the city's vulnerability to climate change, conduct a survey and analyze implementation data</p>
<p>5. Monitor and seek support for adaptation programs for those affected by climate change</p>
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Climate Change and Planning Implementation Team
Conducting energy audits on institutions to prevent energy waste;
Providing professional certification for electrical installation;
Ensuring the competence of organizations engaged in electrical and electrical-related business activities; and formulating a system of operation;
Studying, designing, and testing alternative energy technologies such as solar, wind, geothermal, and small hydropower.
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Electrical Monitoring and Energy Audit Team
<p>To prepare specifications of various bioenergy technologies by collecting information, designing, improving and preparing them for testing.</p>
<p>To design and prepare proven combustion technologies and briquetting technologies;</p>
<p>To promote and work to increase the participation and share of the consumer community and energy developers;</p>
<p>To support and monitor those engaged in alternative energy technology development so that they can produce quality products in a competitive manner;</p>
<p>To organize workshops and produce designed model products</p>
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Bioenergy and Technology Expansion Group
Monitoring and controlling, taking action on production and service facilities that cause pollution.
Preparing and improving regulations, directives, standards, and guidelines required for pollution prevention
<li>Conducting studies and research on water, soil, air, noise, and other pollution</li>
<li>Conducting surveys on environmental, health, and non-health related harms associated with pollution, as well as the impact on the economy</li>
Monitoring and controlling the implementation of projects that have received environmental and community impact assessment approval
Monitoring and controlling existing facilities that have submitted and approved environmental management plans
Monitoring the performance by submitting environmental performance audit reports
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Environmental Pollution Control and Operations Audit Team
<li>Receiving samples from various entities and preparing chemicals and other materials needed for testing, conducting instrumental, physicochemical and bacteriological tests on samples submitted by external parties and the Ministry and providing results</li>
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Environmental Laboratory Services Team
<li>Establish a system for developers to undergo an environmental and community impact assessment process for their projects.</li>
<li>Review and approve the environmental and community impact assessment documents of developers' projects.</li>
<li>Require existing manufacturing and service providers to submit environmental management plans and approve them.</li>
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Environmental and Community Impact Assessment Team
<li>Conducting research and studies on biodiversity and ecosystems</li>
<li>Conducting research on the location of various plants and the multiple benefits they provide, consulting and promoting</li>
<li>Study and preparing a manual for calculating the monetary value of the ecosystem services provided by plants</li>
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Ecosystem and Biodiversity Research Group
<p>Forest Resource Utilization and Efficiency Assessment Team</p>
<li>Ensuring the economic benefits of forest resources</li>
<li>Issuing forest product permits</li>
<li>Ensuring the ecosystem services of forest resources</li>
<li>Issuing permits for the cultivation of environmentally friendly and beneficial plant species</li>
<li>Monitoring and controlling</li>
<li>Development and services in watersheds and green areas</li>
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Forest Resource Utilization and Efficiency Assurance Team
<li>Monitoring and controlling the use of green spaces for their intended purposes</li>
<li>Monitoring the development of a biodiversity inventory management system</li>
<li>Improving biodiversity management and conservation</li>
<li>Supporting bodies engaged in biodiversity conservation</li>
<li>Monitoring and controlling the recovery of ecosystems from damage</li>
<li>Monitoring and controlling wildlife that harms the community</li>
<li>Monitoring and controlling the use of mineral resources</li>
<li>Monitoring and controlling the rehabilitation of ecosystems damaged by mining</li>
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Ecosystem and Biodiversity Monitoring and Control Team
<p>Identify mining areas in the city through research; prepare for development; ensure that they are free from hazards;<br />
Conduct production assessment after granting a permit<br />
Prepare and implement mining laws and operating guidelines<br />
Provide awareness-raising education on the production and use of construction minerals<br />
Issuance of construction mining licenses<br />
Manage mineral resources, provide professional support<br />
Collect various revenues from the mining sector<br />
Organize and update cadastral and GIS data in a modern form<br />
Facilitate opportunities for organized unemployed youth to engage in mining activities<br />
Facilitate training for professionals and developers in the mining sector</p>
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Mineral Resources Licensing and Management Team